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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Reflection on Ash Wednesday and Lent

Fat Tuesday is past. The feasting and the dancing are now done. The time for celebration has past and the time for reflection has come. No longer surrounded by the reveling throngs and cheering crowds, I now sit alone. The darkness around me has changed and is now cold, unattractive. I now begin to see it for what it is – empty, meaningless, and without hope.

Why was I so consumed with it? How could I have been so deceived by the darkness? Why didn’t I realize I was blind and could not see? Where has the light gone? How long will the darkness remain, trying to entice me with its empty promises and surrounding me in hopelessness?

As I wait on God, seeking His light once again, my former attraction to the darkness is now interrupted. The warm light of Christ envelopes me with love and hope. Now I only remember the darkness to bask in this light, so that the light will be clearer and more distinct in my mind and my life.

Now I do not embrace the darkness, nor do I fear it. I allow it only to remind me of the glory of the light and my desperate need for it. The power of the light is now stronger for me than the power of the darkness. The light is more attractive to me once again. Balance is restored. I am at peace.

Things have changed in me. Now I yearn for the light. There is an unquenchable hunger and thirst for the things of God and His presence. Yes, to just bask in the warm soft glow of God, consumed by His glory, that is where I want to linger. Drinking deeply from the infinite well of His love, soaked to my core by the unending waterfall of His joy, and floating carelessly on the calm pool of His peace I rest.

My Savior was raised to new life, and because of Him, so have I. The glory and joy of Easter are now my daily experience, not simply an event once each year. My desire for the light of Christ in my life is now unchallenged. The things of the darkness which I sought in my deception are now pale and insignificant to me. The purpose of Lent is now realized.

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