My Sunday Messages are On-line!

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Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Our Congregation’s Mission – Building Committed Followers of Jesus Christ

Whatever the season, we each must be about God’s business each day if we are going to fulfill our mission as a congregation. God will use you do help accomplish our mission in the course of your everyday life.

Every follower of Jesus is in full-time ministry – not just pastors. God wants to use you each day, wherever you are, whether working or retired, married or not, rich or poor.

If you have been reluctant to let God fill you and use you to make a difference in someone else’s life, let me strongly encourage you to do so today. “How do I do that?” you ask.

A simple prayer is the first step. There are no magic words. The prayer just needs these simple elements:

  1. Just ask God to use you.

  1. Ask Him to make clear to you who He wants you to impact.

  1. Ask Him to make clear what you are to do for Him.

  1. Thank Him in advance for what He will do through you.

Then, like the Nike commercial says… JUST DO IT!

Often, God will give you something very simple to do. It may be a phone call or a hug, stopping to talk with someone and really listen, praying with someone on the spot (yes, even if you are really nervous or in public!), or helping a person with a simple need.

Whatever you do, when they ask why you are being so nice or considerate, just tell them God loves them (and you) and that He sent you to them to prove it. After they ask if you are kidding and you assure them that you are not, tell them in your own words why Jesus is important to you and what a difference He makes in your life.

It doesn’t take fancy words or a good argument, just be genuine with them. Think about it first. Practice what you would tell someone if they asked why you are a Christian.

Keep the focus on what God has done for you, not on what you do for Him. Then expect God to show up and do something only He can do through your life. I know you won’t be disappointed.

After you have told them about the difference God has made in your life, invite them to learn more about Him by coming with you to one of our special events or worship services. You can also ask if they would like me to visit them to answer their questions about God or our church. I would be happy to do that.

May God give you the boldness to ask to be used by Him, the peace and confidence to know the directions He is giving you, the strength to obey what He tells you to do, the wisdom to speak to the person to whom He has led you, and the joy of His Son Jesus as you experience the power of God working through you.


R. Sipes said...

Found you through 31DBBB.
I like the "Just Do It!" idea. Too many of us think we have to spend so much time preparing and getting ourselves right before we can serve. Just serve God. I like it.

By the way, I have had my church web site and blog up for just a few months. But I get very few of my church members to the site, or to the blog--and none of them have commented. So you are not alone in the no comment zone.
I have gotten more comments since I started 31DBBB than ever before.
Do you get many church members to your site?
--Pastor Richard

Pastor Tim said...

Thanks for the encouragement, I will remind our members about the blog and hopefully start getting some more participation in the comment department.

I find it is easy to spend too much time preparing. Taking that first step typically seems the hardest, but like most things, once you get into it God shows up and great things happen!

Unknown said...

I am fellow 31DBBB blogger.

I read through your entry and I must say that I like the fact that you keep things real and simple. You don't make things mystical. You make things relational. Your message is something that anyone can do, and something that everyone should do. Presented this way, it is a lot less intimidating.

Pastor Tim said...

Thanks, Careese. I appreciate your assessment. Being able to explain complex things in a simple way is one of the gifts God has given me. I just pray He continues to help me use it for His glory and to bring many more people into His Kingdom.

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